نتایج زنده | خبرهای روز دنیا | اخبار فوتبال | آشپزی | مد لباس,مو

نتایج زنده ، ‏جام ملت های آسیا 2015 استرالیا ، اخبار ورزشی ، اخبار فوتبال ، اخبار والیبال ،اخبار کشتی، پخش زنده فوتبال ، پخش مستقیم فوتبال

نتایج زنده | خبرهای روز دنیا | اخبار فوتبال | آشپزی | مد لباس,مو

نتایج زنده ، ‏جام ملت های آسیا 2015 استرالیا ، اخبار ورزشی ، اخبار فوتبال ، اخبار والیبال ،اخبار کشتی، پخش زنده فوتبال ، پخش مستقیم فوتبال

Recipes - Piroshki


PIROSHKI (Russian Dumplings


1/4 c. butter
1 med. onion, cut fine
1 tsp. salt 

1 lb. ground beef
2 eggs
4 drops Tabasco
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 tbsp. minced parsley or celery


3 1/2 c. sifted flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 c. butter
2 eggs, beaten
1 c. sour cream

To make filling: Melt butter in large frying pan. Add onions and saute for 4 minutes until golden. Do not brown. Add meat and cook over medium heat 12-15 minutes until brown and crumbly. Drain off fat. Stir in parsley, salt, pepper, Tabasco and eggs; mix well. Put mixture in bowl and chill.
To make dough: Sift together in large bowl, flour and baking powder. Cut in butter until particles like cornmeal. Stir in eggs and sour cream. Mix to form dough. Knead lightly until mixture is a smooth ball. Wrap in plastic and chill 2-4 hours.

Roll out dough to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut 5 inch rounds, rerolling and cutting to make 18 rounds. Place about 2 tablespoons of filling in center of each circle. Using pastry brush, coat edges with beaten egg. Fold dough over and shape into moons. Press edges firmly together. Place on ungreased cookie sheet and brush tops with beaten egg.

Chill 1 hour. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and bake 25-30 minutes until golden brown. Makes 18 piroshki.


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